Our Long Awaited Family Holiday in India 3319511936540506600-blid-1541653602126212394


หวย อ.ต้น สาริกาดำ ปล่อยทีเด็ด ชุดสุดท้าย 16/8/62


For the last three years our family of five has forgone a yearly summer holiday. We have been saving for an ultimate family holiday to India. India has fascinated me and my husband for years ever since a good friend of ours left Brighton to live in Delhi with the girl of his dreams. At the time we couldn't understand leaving a wealthy western country for a 'backwards, smelly and poor' life in Asia but as his tales reached us of a country full of colour our mind were changed. And so finally in December 2011 our small family headed off on our India holiday.
from: http://ezinearticles.com/?Our-Long-Awaited-Family-Holiday-in-India&id=6971899